Spring Flowers Daisies
by Patricia Awapara
Buy the Original Painting
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18.000 x 24.000 x 1.000 inches
This original painting is currently for sale. At the present time, originals are not offered for sale through the Patricia Awapara Official Website secure checkout system. Please contact the artist directly to inquire about purchasing this original.
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Spring Flowers Daisies
Patricia Awapara
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
When painting florals I do my best to plan as little as possible to be able to create spontaneous whimsical florals.
Please, contact me for availability or visit my official webs tie at
Follow my Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/AwaparaArt for latest original art!
March 19th, 2014
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Comments (33)
Barbara Chase
Beautiful piece, Patricia! You have an exciting and ethereal touch with those blues and yellows! Amazing! l/f
Nikki Dalton
Love the energy and movement in this wonderful floral Patricia! LF Many thanks for your previous comments, couldn't respond due to health isuues.
Talya Johnson
Congratulations for being featured in Painterly Fine Art group! You are invited to post this painting in our featured gallery for this month also found in the discussions.
Patricia Awapara replied:
Talya, Thanks for the featuring this piece in the Painterly Fine Art Group! I really appreciate it!